Classic or Nerdlesque, or something inbetween? Caramel has a range of performances to fit your show, or can create something specific for your event.

Black Amour

This act that won Judges’ Choice at the 2017 Arizona Burlesque Festival and "Biggest Tease Factor" at the 2018 Texas Burlesque Festival. It celebrates all that is beautiful about black women.

Dolores Umbridge

This act has many iterations. This is the version that won 1st Runner up at the 2019 Kansas City Nerdlesque Festival.

Nicki Fury

The most loved and requested act by Caramel, it is the essence of her nerdlesque style.

Do I Move You

The first act ever created by Caramel Knowledge, and like her, it has evolved over the course of her career.


Everyone could use a little Knowledge.

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